Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cole's Crawling!!

It's August 4th, and you're seven months old today!! Sitting here this morning watching you crawl all over the place and doing acrobatics with that giant smile that never leaves your face, strong and defying every odd Dr's could give.  I've spent months wondering why God gives children such struggles.  This morning, I think I know.  My faith in Him has grown deeper than I ever would have believed possible; I believe in miracles.  Big ones in tiny babies.  You are such a blessing, not just to our family, but to all who's lives you touch. I love you buddy!!!

June 26th Nephrology Appnt.

We saw Dr. Steinke today following a renal ultrasound at Devos.  No change to note in the hydronephrosis. It's still off the charts but hasn't gotten any worse, and we'll take that : )  Cole's growth looks good, in about the 75th for his length and 21st for weight, hanging out at about the 25th percentile over all.  We're so happy and relieved to see that he's growing so well!  They'll continue to watch his progress closely, as his kidneys are largely responsible for his growth.  We talked to the dietitian today about baby foods (he just started cereal).  She had a list of low potassium foods...this is going to be a challenge.  More on that later.  Cole's lab work showed that he was iron deficient (iron stores a little low, hemoglobin ok), and that his bicarb had dropped back down a little, so we've added a multi-vitamin, increased his bicitra to 5ml twice a day, and up'd his amox. to accommodate his growth.  So, fluoride included, we're doing meds 5 times a day now, which is a little overwhelming, mostly because it can be tricky to time that many doses with meals when you're on the move and out and about with other kiddos.  But he's doing great, staying infection free, and HAPPY!!  GOD IS GOOD!!!  We are so blessed!!